Showing posts from October, 2020

অনুচ্ছেদ : প্রমিত বাংলার ব্যবহার

প্রমিত বাংলার ব্যবহার শিক্ষিত সমাজে সুধীজন ও গণমাধ্যম কর্তৃক ব্যবহৃত মৌখিক ভাষাকে প্রমিত ভাষা বলে। মূলত আঞ্চলিক ভাষার তারতম্যের ফলে একটি মান ভাষায় নির্দিষ্ট ভাষাভাষী গোষ্ঠীর মধ্যে যোগাযোগ স্থাপন করা হয়। এর ফলে ভাষার দুর্বোধ্যতা…

অনুচ্ছেদ : পহেলা ফাল্গুন

পহেলা ফাল্গুন বাংলার ষড়ঋতু পরিক্রমায় বসন্তকে বলা হয় ঋতুরাজ। ফাল্গুন ও চৈত্র, এ দু মাস মিলে বসন্তকাল। বসন্তের প্রথম দিন পহেলা ফাল্গুন হিসেবে পরিচিত। শীতের শুষ্কতা আর জীর্ণতার অন্ধকারকে ঘুচিয়ে নবীন আলোর প্রভাত নিয়ে আসে ফাল্গুন। প…

অনুচ্ছেদ : দারিদ্র্য বিমোচন

দারিদ্র্য বিমোচন দারিদ্র্য এমন একটি অর্থনৈতিক অবস্থা, যখন একজন মানুষ জীবনযাত্রার ন্যূনতম মান অর্জনে ব্যর্থ হয়। স্বল্প আয়ের কারণে সে জীবনধারণের অপরিহার্য দ্রব্যাদি ক্রয় করার সক্ষমতা হারিয়ে ফেলে। দারিদ্র জনগোষ্ঠীর উপার্জনের সামর্…

অনুচ্ছেদ : গণতন্ত্র

গণতন্ত্র বর্তমান বিশ্বে গণতন্ত্র সর্বাপেক্ষা আলোচিত একটি বিষয়। গণতন্ত্র হচ্ছে রাষ্ট্র পরিচালনার জন্য আধুনিক এবং সর্বপেক্ষা গ্রহণযোগ্য পদ্ধতি। গণতন্ত্রের ইংরেজি প্রতিশব্দ হচ্ছে ‘Democracy’ । গ্রিক শব্দ ‘Demos’ ও ‘Kratia’ শব্দ থ…

অনুচ্ছেদ : বনায়ন

বনায়ন সবুজ বনরাজি, বিশাল জলরাশি আর চোখে লাগা পাহাড়ি এলাকা নিয়ে এমনই এক বিস্ময়ভূমি বাংলাদেশ। কিন্তু দিন দিন পাহাড় আর বনের শ্যামলিমা আসছে ক্ষীণ হয়ে। বছরের পর বছর আমাদের দেশের বন খুব দ্রুত গতিতে কমে যাচ্ছে। একটি দেশের মোট আয়তনের ২৫…

অনুচ্ছেদ : কক্সবাজার সমুদ্রসৈকত

কক্সবাজার সমুদ্রসৈকত কক্সবাজার সমুদ্রসৈকত শুধু বাংলাদেশ নয়, পৃথিবীর দীর্ঘতম সমুদ্রসৈকত। এর দৈর্ঘ্য ১৫৫ কিলোমিটার। বঙ্গোপসাগরের তীর ঘেঁষে কক্সবাজার জেলায় এ সমুদ্রসৈকত অবস্থিত। শুধু সারা দেশের মানুষ নয় পৃথিবীর বিভিন্ন দেশ থেকে পর…

রচনা : একজন ফেরিওয়ালার আত্মকথা

আমি একজন ফেরিওয়ালা। মা-বাবার দেওয়া একটা নাম অবশ্য আছে। কিন্তু সে নামে আমাকে কখনো কেউ ডাকে না। ডাকে ‘ও ফেরিওয়ালা’ । বাড়ি-ঘর, জোত-জমি একদিন সবই আমার ছিল। কিন্তু আজ সবই গ্রাস করেছে সর্বনাশা পদ্মানদী। ঘরবাড়ি পদ্মায় তলিয়ে যাওয়ার পর পে…

রচনা : একটি কলমের আত্মকথা

আমি একটি ছোট্ট কলম। এতকাল আমি অন্যের কথা বলেছি। লিখেছি তাদের সুখের কথা, দুঃখের কাহিনী। উত্তর লিখেছি ছাত্রের পরীক্ষার খাতায়। ডাক্তার, উকিল, মাস্টার, কেরানি, জজ-ব্যারিস্টার আমাকে দিয়ে লিখিয়েছেন কত বিচিত্র বিষয়ে। গল্প, কবিতা লিখিয়েছ…

Report on leisure time

You are a reporter on a television channel. You have interviewed many people on how they use their leisure time. Now, write a report on your findings. HOW PEOPLE USE THEIR LEISURE TIME  Mamun, Our Special Reporter, X Vision Chann…

Report on devastating consequences of drug addiction

Write a report on the devastating consequences of drug addiction in the context of Bangladesh.  Or, Suppose, you are a reporter of the Daily Independent. Now, write a report on the ‘Rapid Spread of Drug Addiction’ among the young…

Report about historical victory day of Bangladesh

Suppose, you are a local correspondent of Channel 1. Write a report about observance of the historical Victory Day of Bangladesh. OBSERVANCE OF VICTORY DAY Humayun Ahmed Munna, Local Correspondent, Channel 1, RANGPUR, December 16…

Report on a vote-centre observation

Suppose, you are Hasan Utpol, a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have visited a vote-centre. Write a report on your observation.  A VOTE CENTRE OF UPAZILA ELECTION-2009  Hasan Utpol, Staff Reporter, JHALAKATHI, February 13 : O…

Report on golden jubilee celebration

Suppose, you are Ruma, a student of class-XI of Viqarunnisa Noor School and College, Dhaka. Your college will observe its golden jubilee celebration on January 12. Now, write a report on it.  GOLDEN JUBILEE OF VIQARUNNISA NOON SC…

Report on the celebration of independence day

Suppose, your college has recently celebrated ‘The Independence Day’. A large number of programmes were arranged to observe the day. Now, write a report on the celebration of ‘The Independence Day’.  VICTORIA COLLEGE CELEBRATED I…

Report on the celebration of Eid

Imagine that you have celebrate Eid in your village with festivity and grandeur. Now, write a short report on the celebration of Eid.  CELEBRATION OF EID  KISHOREGANJ, July 30 : The largest Eid Jamat of the country held at Solak…

Report on prize-giving ceremony

Suppose, you recently attended a prize-giving ceremony that was held in Rajshahi Lab. Govt. High School. You have been asked to write a report on the occasion.  Or, Suppose, an award-giving ceremony to the meritorious students of…

Report about Ekushey Book Fair

Suppose, you are Abir Hasan, a reporter of a reputed daily. Recently you have visited a book fair in Dhaka. Now, write a report on it.  A VISIT TO EKUSHEY BOOK FAIR  Abir Hasan, Staff Correspondent, DHAKA, February 2 : I along w…

Report on marriage ceremony

You are Salma or Shamim. You attended a marriage ceremony quite recently. Write a short report on it.  A MARRIAGE CEREMONY  Shamim, MOHAMMADPUR, DHAKA, December 29 : The marriage ceremony of my cousin came off on December 22, 20…

Report about an extra-ordinary teacher

Suppose, you are Munir, a student of a govt. college. You have been asked to draft a report about an extra-ordinary teacher who is also favourite to you. Now, prepare a report about an extra-ordinary teacher.  ABUL BASHER, A TEAC…

Report about describing extra-ordinary qualities

Suppose, you are Saiful, a student of a local govt. college. You know about an extra-ordinary student who is also your best friend. Now, write a report about him describing his extra-ordinary qualities.  ASAD, AN EXTRA-ORDINARY S…

Report on murder

Suppose, you are the Local Correspondent of a National English Daily published from Dhaka. You have just covered a judgement of murder in local Judge Court. Now, prepare a news report on it. Give a title to your report.  STEPMOTH…

Report on Boishakhi Mela

Imagine that you have celebrated ‘A Boishakhi Mela’ in your village with festivity and grandeur. Now, write a short report on the celebration of ‘A Boishakhi Mela’ held in your village. Or, Suppose, you had a chance to pay a visi…

Report for taking exam script outside

Police arrested one SSC examinee for going out with examination paper at Gournadi Pilot School Examination centre in Barisal. Now, write a report on it.  SSC EXAMINEE HELD FOR TAKING EXAM SCRIPT OUTSIDE  Mahmudul Hasan, GOURNADI,…

Report on cultural festival

Suppose, you have attended a cultural festival in Rangpur town where people from all walks of life have come to visit. You have been asked to write a report on it.  RANGPUR OBSERVES A CULTURAL FESTIVAL  Tanzila Sarker, RANGPUR, D…

Report on the celebration of this exciting cricket match

You are aware that Bangladesh won a historic victory against mighty India in its ‘100th ODI’. Now, write a report on the celebration of this exciting cricket match.  BANGLADESH CRICKET CELEBRATES ‘100TH ODI’ WITH A BEFITTING MANN…

Report on anti-smoking bill passes

You know that a new law seeking prohibition of smoking in public places has been passed in the parliament. Now, write a report on the bill seeking to prohibit smoking in public places.  ANTI SM…

Report on the birth anniversary of Palli Kabi

The 110th birth anniversary of poet Jashimuddin observes today. Now, write a report on the 110th birth anniversary of Palli Kabi.  110th ANNIVERSARY OF JASHIMUDDIN’S BIRTH TODAY  Rubina…

Report on road mishap

Suppose, you are a reporter of the Bangladesh Observer. You have covered the road mishap that killed 10 people in Pabna yesterday. Now, write a report on it. Or, Suppose, you are Ali Reza by name. You witnessed a serious road mis…

Report on the activities of RAB

Imagine, you are a district correspondent in Khulna of a national English daily. Write a report on the activities of RAB in your locality.  Observer report – RAB ARRESTS SIX DRUG PEDDLERS IN KHULNA  Maria, District Correspondent,…

Report on probable climate change in Bangladesh

Write a report on the probable / devastating consequences of climate change in Bangladesh.  DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE  Naimul Haque, Staff Correspondent, DHAKA, June 26 : Global climate change is the most pressi…

Report about Aman production has exceeded the target

In the current season, Aman production has exceeded the target. Write a report on it.  AMAN PRODUCTION IN 10 DISTRICTS EXCEEDS TARGET  Ruksana Amin, JESSORE, January 5 : Production of Aman paddy in the country’s ten southwestern…

Report about the miserable life led by a freedom fighter.

Suppose, you are a reporter of the Daily Star. Write a report about the miserable life led by a freedom fighter. Star report – THE MISERABLE LIFE LED BY A FREEDOM FIGHTER  Istiaque Ahmed, BARISAL, March 14 : The only woman freed…

Report about devastating consequences of deforestation

Write a report on the devastating consequences of deforestation in the context of Bangladesh. DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES OF DEFORESTATION Payel Hasan, Local Correspondent, GAZIPUR, April 24 : Deforestation is the most pressing …

Report on violent storm

Imagine, you are an inhabitant of Faridpur district. Your locality has been hit by a violent storm. Write a report on the storm that destroyed many villages.  VIOLENT STORM HIT FARIDPUR : MANY VILLAGES DESTROYED  Saila Khondkar, …

Report on bad effect of cutting trees

Suppose, you are a reporter of a reputed daily. Now, write a report on indiscriminate cutting of trees in our country.  Or, Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report for your newspaper on “Bad effect of cu…

Report on acid throwing

Suppose, you are a local correspondent of a national daily. Now, write a report on ‘Acid Throwing’ and give your comments on how to overcome this inhuman act for your daily.  Star Report – ACID THROWING : A SOCIAL CRIME  Fahmida…

Report on daily you are working for

The results of HSC Examination of this year have just come out. Now, prepare an elaborate report on it for the daily you are working for. Star report- HSC RESULT PUBLISHED  Abdur Razzak, Staff Correspondent, DHAKA, June 21 : The…

Report on day long hartal

Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. Make a report on ‘A day long hartal’.  Independent report- DAY LONG HARTAL OBSERVED  Toaha, TANGAIL, April 5 : A day long hartal was observed throughout the country yesterday. It …

Report to protest eve-teasing

Suppose, you are a reporter to The Daily Star. A rally was held in your locality to protest Eve Teasing. Now, write a report on it and give your comments how to overcome this social evil for your daily.  Star report – LOCAL…

Report about miseries of affected by the erosion

Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. You have recently visited the area affected by the erosion of the Meghna. Now, write a report on the miseries of the people living in the area. Observer report- THE MISERIES …

Report on illegal hunting of migratory birds

Write a report on illegal hunting of migratory birds. ILLEGAL HUNTING OF MIGRATORY BIRDS  Local Correspondent, Kushtia, January 5 : Thousands of guest birds have started arriving in six Upazila of Kushtia district since …

Report about a story of an extra-ordinary student

Suppose, you are a district correspondent of the Daily Star. You have covered the story of an extra-ordinary student who got golden GPA from Lalmonirhat Government High School this year. Now, write a report on him.  Star repo…

Report on different causes of failures in English

A huge number of students fail in English every year in public examinations despite studying it as a compulsory subject from class 1 to Honours level. Now, prepare a report focusing on different causes of their failures in Engli…

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