Composition : The Importance of Radio in Our Life

The Importance of Radio in Our Life

Radio is the most powerful news media. Our life is meaningless without the media like radio. We live in the age of information. So, a strong medium like radio is very important in our practical life. 

Radio is one of the most important means of entertainment for us. Radio broadcasts various educational as well as cultural programmes. The cultural programmes include drama, music, mecitation, ctc. These programmes have a tonic effect on the wearied people specially the villagers. As rural people can enjoy few modern facilities, radio is the only significant means of entertainment of them. 

Radio, again, broadcasts news in Bangla and English several times a day. Then it broadcasts many educational programmes including adult literacy, academic discussion for secondary levels, health issues, etc. It is also a means of communication. It works also as a bridge between the rulers and the public. The Prime Minister and the President of a country address the public through radio. 

Radio broadcasts weather forecast time to time. The farmers, fishermen and people of other professions listen to weather forecast regularly. It announces warning signals about any possible disaster. The fishermen and people working in the coastal area can’t do without it. For sports lovers, it broadcasts sports commentary, specially on national games. Among all these programmes. I enjoy sports commentary and various musical programmes specially ‘chitragiti’ and ‘malancha’ very much. 

Radio is an important means of entertainment as well as communication. To rural people its importance is undenied. It has become a kind of companion medium for them. The villagers feel proud if they can buy a radio. Their lives and activities are influenced by radio.

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