Grammar : Positive to Superlative - Changing Degrees

Positive to Superlative

Rule — 1

No other যুক্ত Positive Degree থেকে Superlative Degree করার নিয়মাবলী :
  1. Positive Degree এর শেষে Noun/Noun Word টি প্রথমে বসে।
  2. Verb বসে।
  3. The বসে।
  4. Positive word (Adjective form) এর Superlative form বসে।
  5. No other তুলে দিতে হবে এবং No other এর পর থেকে Verb এর আগ পর্যন্ত সব বসে।

প্রদত্ত Sentence এর শেষের Subject + Verb + the + Positive Degree এর Superlative form + No other এর পর থেকে Verb এর মাঝের অংশ।

উদাহরণ :

Positive : No other boy in the village is as bad as Raja.
Superlative : Raja is the worst boy in the village.

Positive : No other liquid is as useful as water.
Superlative : Water is the most useful liquid.

Positive : No other language is as important as English.
Superlative : English is the most important language.

Practice more :

Positive : No other boy in the class is as tall as Sabbir.
Superlative : Sabbir is the tallest boy in the class.

Positive : No other place is as charming as Cox's Bazar.
Superlative : Cox's Bazar is the most charming place.

Positive : No other food is as nutritious as milk.
Superlative : Milk is the most nutritious food.

Positive : No other girl in the class is as attentive as she.
Superlative : She is the most attentive girl in the class.

Positive : No other animal is as ferocious as the lion.
Superlative : The lion is the most ferocious animal.

Rule — 2

Very few যুক্ত Positive Degree থেকে Superlative Degree করার নিয়মাবলী :

(i) প্রথমে Subject বসে।
(ii) Verb (Singular) বসে + One of the বসে।
(iii) Positive degree এর Superlative form বসে।
(iv) Very few তুলে দিতে হয় এবং তারপর থেকে Verb এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত বসে।

প্রদত্ত Sentence এর শেষের Subject + Verb + one of the + Positive degree এর Superlative form + Very few এর পর থেকে Verb এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত।

উদাহরণ :

Positive : Very few subjects are as easy as history.
Superlative : History is one of the easiest subjects.

Positive : Very few governments are as powerful as this caretaker govt.
Superlative : This caretaker govt. is one of the most powerful governments.

Positive : Very few sports are as enjoyable as cricket.
Superlative : Cricket is one of the most enjoyable Sports.

Positive : Very few boys in the village are as small as Liyon.
Superlative : Liyon is one of the smallest boys in the village.

Practice more :

Positive : Very few cities in the world are as clean as Singapore.
Superlative : Singapore is one of the cleanest cities in the world.

Positive : Very few insects are as busy as the bee.
Superlative : The bee is one of the busiest insects.

Positive : Very few pictures in the world are as great as this.
Superlative : This is one of the greatest pictures in the world.

Positive : Very few inventions in the world of medical science are as important as it.
Superlative : It is one of the important inventions of the world of medical science.

Positive : Very few herbs are as useful as this.
Superlative : This is one of the most useful herbs.

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