Story : Life is after all an Adventure

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once a school boy named Talha was returning from school. On the way to his home, he saw a boy of his age. The boy was working in a workshop. His body was covered with dirt, oil and other chemicals. Talha became curious about the boy. He asked the boy....................

Life is after all an Adventure

Once a school boy named Talha was returning from school. On the way to his home, he saw a boy of his age. The boy was working in a workshop. His body was covered with dirt, oil and other chemicals. Talha became curious about the boy. He asked the boy his name and learnt that people called him ‘Falu’. He got even more curious. Going closer, he asked the boy what might be the reason that people gave him such a strange name. Falu said that he was left at the roadside just after his birth. He didn’t know who his parents were. He used to begin the town even to get something to eat. He had nowhere to go; none were there to support him. Finally, while begging at a bus stop, he met Kashem Ali, the owner of the workshop. That night Falu was starving and was crying helplessly. At that miserable hour, God sent Kashem Ali in his aid. Kashem was a compassionate man and Falu’s extreme miseries moved him much. He offered Falu a job at his workshop. And now, Falu was thankful to have a shelter and food to eat. Kashem Ali told him that he could start school from next year. Falu looked dreamy; he was thinking about a better future. Talha, on the other hand, being greatly moved by the touching story of Falu’s life, thanked God for all the privileges bestowed on him. Life is after all an adventure!
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