Story : Lost and Found

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

It was a holiday. Rimi was staying home alone as her parents had gone to their village home. They told Rimi to remain careful and also assured that they would come back before evening. She thought of making good use of her lonely time. She was fond of reading adventure stories and so started reading one. Suddenly she heard a sound....................

Lost and Found

It was a holiday. Rimi was staying home alone as her parents had gone to their village home. They told Rimi to remain careful and also assured that they would come back before evening. She thought of making good use of her lonely time. She was fond of reading adventure stories and so started reading one. Suddenly she heard a sound outside. Someone was knocking at the door and crying out for help. It was raining in torrents, and Rimi wondered who would go out on a day like this. At first, she got scared that her own safety might be a stake. But after listening more carefully, she realized that it was only a child who needed help. She opened the door and found a little girl now more than 7/8 years old standing there all drenched in rain, shivering in cold. Rimi’s heart sank seeing the little girl in distress and she let her in. After taking care of the girl, Rimi asked with had happened to her. The girl took a while to get back to a composed state and slowly started talking. She alone with her mother just arrived in Dhaka to visit her sick father. When they arrived at Sadarghat, the little girl lost her mother in the crowd. Since then, she had been looking for her mother and out of exhaustion decided to seek shelter where Rimi lived. Rimi felt pity for the little girl. When Rimi’s parents returned home, Rimi told them about the little girl’s miserable condition. So, they all went to the nearby police station and asked the officers to help find the girl’s parents. The police assured that they would take care of the girl and took her in their custody. After being assured that the police would inform Rimi’s parents if the girl could be reunited with her parents, they left the police station. Two days later, the police inspector called Rimi’s father saying that they found the girl’s parents. Finally, Rimi felt relieved that the girl was in safe hands.
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